Do-it-yourself Desktops

November 1999

The picture was taken from a Audrey Hepburn fan site, and just in case you didn't notice, that's Grace Kelly in the foreground and Audrey at the back. The font for Pretty Lasses is actually a Sugar Ray font, it's one of my favourite. My Winamp player has a really gorgeous off-white Edward Scissorshand skin. I saw it on Winamp, and I knew I HAD to get it. So I did. :)

December 1999

The black background was actually designed to colour-match my site then. (I know, I know.) This picture of Jenn Love is from her new series, Time of your life. I think she's such a pretty little thing. I wish I looked this good in photos!

December 1999 II

This was done on the spur of a moment, I scanned everything in myself, and the whole thing actually took me almost 2 hours to complete. But I'm happy with it. It's a tad too blue though.

December 1999 III

This was created around a earthy-theme, as depicted by those brownish, orangey colours. The pictures I used were stills from a Peter Ho T.V. advertisment in Taiwan, and I changed my Windows display colour scheme to Maple to colour-match it, and although it will take some taking use to, I really like the play of colours here. The skin of my Winamp player was downloaded, its theme being Lcars from Star Wars (not that I'm much of a fan) and it has a very vibrant, striking design.

January 2000

My absolute favourite desktop to date. I don't care what you think, but these guys are fiiiine. The pictures were taken from the Rolling Stones website, this was their cover for the special Millenium issue. I wish the BSBs did this stripping thing more often, heh! My Winamp skin was defaulted, so everything is simple and sweet. :)

February - March 2000

A really simple idea of greyscaling and cropping some of my favourite Brian pictures, and then arranging them improper. The font Texas Hero was used for the word "Obsession" and I defaulted my Windows display colour scheme. I love my Brian!

April 2000

My sister drew a less-than-flattering caricature of me with puffed-up hair and a zit that looks like a mole, holding a BSB album. Well, I do like the tiara. It's supposed to show what a brat I am, heh. I coloured it myself, and added in the cloud with Brian's darling face in it. I feel like I'm in kindergarden all over again!

April 2000 II

This thing took me the longest to complete, from finding the pictures to cropping and arranging them nicely to look like it came right out of a yearbook. (This is, by the way, the cast of That 70's Show.) I really like how it has turned out, so I guess all the time was worth it. :) And you probably can't see, but I downloaded some really cute icons from Etherbrian as well.

May 2000

I fell in love with Jude Law after watching the Talented Mr. Ripley, and I knew I had to make a wallpaper out of this picture. This time I'm gunning for a more dark, sophisicated look, to capture his strong, sullen on-screen personality. Tell me he's not gorgeous.

May - June 2000

Pika pika! I refuse to be a closet Pikachu fan anymore, I think it's bloody cute and people should learn to like it. Pokemon cartoons are addictive. Coming from me, you would think it's a joke, but really - I love Pikachu! I stole the pics off online auction sites and video stills. The font is off the Simpsons, can't you tell? :)
